May 2017 Newsletter

We are now in the last month of autumn and the nights are getting cool.

If you haven’t started using your heating yet, you know it won’t be long before you do. In this month’s newsletter, I have 7 budget friendly, practical tips to help you reduce your winter heating costs.

For all your home and office wiring needs, call Ku-ring-gai Electrical Service on 0418 442 578 or email

Matt Cox

7 Tips to keep your home warm – without blowing the budget!

There are lots of options to help you keep your home warm. Some help to prevent heat transfer between your home and the outside (e.g. insulation) while others have a lifestyle focus.

We provide Energy Audits for households looking for significant year-round savings. But for simple, easy to implement solutions, here are my 7 favourite tips.

  1. Stop the heat leaks!
    Did you know up to 40% of your home’s heat loss is through your windows? One of the simplest ways to reduce heat loss from your home is to install window furnishings that have good insulation properties. Get into the habit of drawing them as early as practical as the late afternoon temperatures begin to drop.
  2. Layer up!
    Obviously you don’t want to be so cold you are wearing your coat inside. But something as simple as popping on a jumper with woolly socks or slippers can help you keep warm while lowering your heating costs.
    According to government website Your Energy Savings, you will save between 5 – 10% of your heating costs by setting your thermostat just 1° lower. Imagine how much you could reduce your heating bill over the entire winter.
  3. Get the look!
    When the weather gets really chilly, it can be fun to spend the day binge watching your favourite shows. Trouble is, long periods of sitting can make it hard to stay warm so the temptation is to turn up the heating.
    Try following the lead of the interior designers by having a couple of blankets draped at each end of the couch. Then when you start to feel cold, you can wrap yourself up in a comforting blanket. Kids often love this idea.
  4. Beware the energy guzzlers!
    Clothes dryers use a lot of power so consider using clothes airers instead. This option isn’t for everyone so if you need to use your clothes dryer:
    1. Try using it less often (if possible).
    2. Ensure it has a high energy efficiency rating. If it doesn’t, consider buying a newer, more efficient dryer.
    3. If you have solar power, use your dryer during the day when the winter sun may be able to provide free energy.
  5. Don’t forget your pool equipment!
    If you have a swimming pool, reset the timer on your pool equipment so it’s only operating 4-6 hours during winter. In most cases, this will still keep your pool clean while significantly reducing your running costs.
  6. Switch it off!
    These days there are lots of products to help you track your household energy usage with the option to turn off non-essential electrical goods with a single switch. Some need to be installed by an electrician while others are programmable and can be purchase from electrical retailers.
  7. Get the right advice!
    One of the services we offer our clients is an Energy Audit. As part of the audit process, we investigate all the electrical equipment, lighting etc. in your home to identify both the energy guzzlers and the opportunities to install more energy efficient options. Contact us for more information and prices.


When you need an electrician, call the team at Ku-ring-gai Electrical Services on 0418 442 578 or email

Contact us today and let one of our qualified electrical technicians take care of you.
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