July 2018 Newsletter

Induction cooktops – cooking never felt so cool

Did you know the rings on an induction cooktop don’t heat up? You can wipe up a spill the moment it happens and neither you nor the cloth will risk getting scorched in the process! It’s one of the many features that set induction cooking apart from more traditional methods.

How can you cook without producing heat?

Traditional gas or electric stovetops rely on thermal induction, which means the burners provide the heat to cook your food.

An induction cooktop uses magnetic induction which creates an electro-magnetic field that generates energy around the glass surface. It vibrates the pan, causing your cookware to heat up - but not your cooktop. It remains cool unless you leave a hot pan sitting on it.

Apart from saving you time by heating food more quickly than other cooking methods, there are plenty of reasons to make the switch to an induction cooktop.

  • Although induction cooktops use more power when you switch them on, your food will cook faster making them more economical to run.
  • The element doesn’t get hot so it’s safer to use because you can’t accidently burn yourself while you’re cleaning or moving pots around the cooktop.
  • If you switch on a ring, it won’t heat up until you place a pan on the surface – likewise, if you remove the pan, it will switch off.
  • Food cooks super-fast on an induction cooktop. According to consumer advocacy group CHOICE, it’s the fastest way to cook. That means you can spend less time in the kitchen.
  • If your kitchen style is contemporary, sleek and streamlined, an induction cooktop is ideal as it can sit flush with your kitchen benchtop.
  • The smooth, flat glass surface is free from food traps making it a dream to clean and easy for you to maintain the pristine surface.
  • Many models have an automatic cut-off switch if a pan has been left cooking for a prolonged period without any change in temperature. So, this is another safety feature to help prevent you from burning your food and your pan.

Induction cooktops use higher current draw than a standard cooktop. As a result, you’ll need a separate circuit in your switchboard. I can install this for you so have a chat with me before you head out to the appliance store.

Once you begin the process of choosing your induction cooktop, it’s a good idea to compare the features and make sure they’re compatible with your cooking style.

Another thing to be aware of is that your induction cooktop won’t work if you don’t use the right type of pan.

An easy way to check is to test whether a magnet will stick to the bottom of your pot or pan. If it won’t – you need to grab some new cookware – if it will, your existing cookware is compatible.

You can rely on Ku-ring-gai Electrical for all your home and office wiring needs. If you’re ready to take advantage of all the fantastic benefits of using an induction cooktop, call us on 0418 442 578 or email info@kuring.com.au.

Don’t overload your office kitchen this winter!

In cold, dreary weather, people usually prefer hot, hearty food to combat the chill in the air. It’s likely your office sandwich press, toaster, microwave, kettle and even your fridge will be running hot. But you don’t want that to be the case literally … or things could get dangerous.

It’s best to avoid using power boards or extension cords that can overload your system. If the switch gets too hot, it can begin melting or sparking.

Of course, these things tend to happen when no one’s around, so if a fire breaks out, it can spread quickly which is not only extremely dangerous but expensive too.

An easy, cost-effective solution that will keep everyone and everything safe is to invest in a 4-gang power point. My team can assist with the installation, so get in touch today to talk about how you can avoid power overload in your workplace kitchen.

Contact us today and let one of our qualified electrical technicians take care of you.
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